Meet the 2020 Faculty Members

In a normal year, it is common to introduce the new Browning faculty at a school assembly. Due to COVID-19, this could not take place. The Grytte asked our new members the following two questions so that the community can get to know them better:

What are some of your favorite hobbies?


Eric Ogden,

Head of Lower School

I'm definitely a dog person and have a very spoiled Chiwenee, named Nico. We just signed up to foster dogs, so I'm hoping to have some more canine friends soon. I also love to travel and go to live theater, so I'm missing those things right now. In the meantime, I enjoy reading, spending time in Central Park, watching football on Sundays, and most of all, I love pizza. 


Brandon Harwood,

Spanish Teacher

Some of my favorite things are listening to the Beatles, surfing, traveling, learning languages, playing soccer and ultimate frisbee, writing, and playing music.


Hannah Hickok,

Music Teacher

Getting goosebumps from music; the smell of fall leaves and spring rainstorms; the moments before the sun comes up/goes down, when the sky is pink and periwinkle; getting sucked into a great book; singalongs; a cup of hot tea on a cool day; watching a thunderstorm while safely inside; waking up in the night, thinking my alarm is about to go off, then realizing it's early and I can still sleep for a few more hours. 


Kaitlyn McGrory,

Third Grade Associate

I love being outdoors and traveling. I spend a lot of my free time on the weekends hiking in the tri-state area. Although traveling has been difficult during the pandemic, I love visiting new places and countries and I cannot wait until we’re able to travel again!

Luke Feder,

History Teacher

When I’m not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two children. I am an avid reader and collector of comic books—in particular, those featuring Spider-Man and Batman. I am also a board game enthusiast and would regularly get together with friends to play pre-COVID.

Jessi Soles,

Upper School Counselor

Anything outside is my favorite thing right now. Running, biking, walking, picnicking, hiking, camping, playing, reading, gardening - all of it. Exercise in general is one of my favorite ways to take care of myself and over the years I've been a soccer player, runner, triathlete, weight lifter, and yogi.


Becca Landon,

Math Teacher

I love playing and watching tennis! I also enjoy baking, hiking, traveling to new places, and playing with my new 7 month old Sheepadoodle puppy!


Elisa Kristensen,

School Nurse

My favorite things are running, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

What were your first impressions of Browning?

Marina Benasuli,

Computer Science and Engineering Teacher

My first impressions of Browning are that it is a very tight knit school, and that it is a very nurturing community. Faculty and students take pride in the school that they teach and attend. They take care of one another whether it is to lend a helping hand to another or listen to a problem or a frustration that a faculty member or classmate may be having. This shows that Browning is not just a school, or a job, but that it is a community of caring individuals.

Ian Hochberg,

Latin Teacher

The Browning leadership’s clarity of purpose and commitment to the school’s mission first caught my attention and impressed me. Then, at the end of their long spring of Browning Connect, faculty met for several days of professional development. I was amazed by their collegiality and dedication. I have been equally amazed by the student spirit and compassion that I have witnessed in assemblies and classes this fall.


Ayana Mbaye,

Lower School Librarian

The first thing I noticed about Browning was its sense of community. I felt welcome and part of the community immediately.


Anne Rawley,

English Teacher

I love Browning and am so happy to be part of the school. I arrived for my interview the first day the school closed last March because of COVID, which makes me one of the few new faculty members who saw the school before the start of the year.


Paula Pischel,

Fourth Grade Teacher

The school spirit. It is obvious the boys are happy and proud to be a Panther.


Jayde Bennett,

Assistant Director of Middle and Upper School Admission and Parent Engagement

I have had nothing but good experiences so far at Browning and have been happy to know the school and community is as great as I thought. Before joining the community I got the sense that Browning was a place that is truly student centered. It has been amazing to see how the community rallies behind a common goal and how every member of the community, from top to bottom, is on board.


Katie Capulli,

Third Grade Associate

Browning has been so welcoming and supportive. Even in a pandemic I feel I have been able to feel connected with many people from the Browning community even if it is just on Zoom or in passing in the halls.


Pote Pothongsunan,

Physics Teacher

People are really kind here. I felt very welcomed even during Zoom interviews while I was overseas. The science department teachers are awesome. They're very friendly, smart, and professional. I enjoy working with them. The students have so many interesting stories to share starting with the stories about their names that we did in advisory earlier this year.


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