Mission Statement


First published in 1897, the Grytte is a student-run newspaper that aims to disseminate current, relevant news throughout the Browning community in a clear and exemplary fashion and to reflect the views of the entire student body. Moreover, the Grytte strives to embody the Browning School and to promote its values.

The Grytte journalist seeks to initiate positive, constructive discussion in the school. More importantly, he works to improve his writing and to engage his readers. In his writings, the Grytte journalist endeavors to uphold a high standard of journalism and journalistic integrity.

In all respects, he is and always will be a thoughtful writer and gentleman.

Editorial Policy

Responsibility for the material that appears in this paper rests with the editorial board. Opinions expressed in columns or letters are not necessarily the views of the editors of the Grytte or of The Browning School.

Contact Us

The Grytte newspaper staff welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be sent to grytte@browning.edu.

The Grytte reserves the right to edit all letters, and letters will be printed according to timeliness and space availability. The opinions expressed in letters are those of the author.


The Grytte staff welcomes complaints concerning errors which necessitate correction. Please email us if you wish to have something corrected in the next issue.