The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Skizzy Mars


Rapper Skizzy Mars is a Browning alumnus who at age 26 already has a handful of albums and Billboard hits to his name.

Born Myles Mills ’11, he grew up in Harlem and played basketball while at Browning. Below, Skizzy answers questions on his career, and his rapper name, which relates back to his time at Browning.

Skizzy Mars, né Myles Mills, is an American rapper, songwriter, and record producer, who graduated from Browning in 2011.

Did you develop as an artist at Browning? If so, how?

 At Browning, I mainly focused on academics and sports but I definitely made music in my spare time. I kept it mostly under wraps until I was a senior and started to release music around the time of my graduation. Before that, I mainly just developed my sound and vision.  Having gone to Browning, I was a good writer, but I needed to work on my rhythm, flow, etc. I spent high school doing that.

What is your most memorable moment at Browning?

 I really enjoyed playing on the basketball team. The entire experience from bus rides to games to having considerable success on the court to bonding with my teammates. We had a great group of guys and coaches. At 26 and rusty as ever at basketball, I look back on those days fondly.  

What were the benefits of going to an all-boys school?

 I was a lot more focused than I would have been otherwise. We hung out with girls from other schools but during school hours, I didn’t have that distraction. Also, with my senior class being 25 boys, I formed some lifelong friendships. I also think the curriculum was tailored more to my personal needs and interests.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists?


Myles Mills ’11 at Browning graduation at Christ Church, 2011. (Sanford Pelz ’71)

Treat it like a job. Because the life of an artist can be so pliable, I think many aspiring artists take that freedom for granted. I’ve found that every extremely successful artist has a strong sense of routine and discipline. A producer once told me when I was just starting out, “If you put in part time effort, you’ll get part time results.” It’s important to respect the craft and give it the time and attention it requires if you want to give yourself the best shot at having success.

What is the meaning behind your 2019 album, Free Skizzy Mars?

The word ‘free’ best described how I felt recording the project. I think creativity thrives in freedom and openness. I tried new things, took risks, and stepped out of my comfort zone. As a result, I learned a lot about myself as a person and artist. I also felt free from many perceptions I had of myself and my limitations. A lot of the time we truly believe certain things about ourself that aren’t true. We just believe them to be true. I got to reassess a lot of that stuff and approach the recording process with more of a clean slate, and it was a freeing experience. 

Where did the name Skizzy Mars come from?

My English teacher, Mr. Kevin Dearinger, once called me “Skills Mills” at Browning. The name somehow developed from there, and guys started calling me “Skizzy.” My first rap name was “Mars.” I combined the two and once my career started to build some momentum, the name stuck.


A Tale of Two Schools


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