Combining Technical Prowess with a Purposeful Compassion: Spotlight on Pierce W. ‘25
Pierce W. ‘25 was recently named a Top 300 Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar for his work researching the implementation of AI in optimizing responses of EMS to acute mental illness (Image via Instagram)
Throughout his 6+ years at Browning, Pierce W. ‘25 has contributed to his school and larger tri-state area community with an emphasis on applying his command of computers and coding to ameliorate the lives of those around him. Whether volunteering with EMS, conducting award-winning research, or leading the Robotics team, Pierce pours himself into his work. The Grytte sat down with Pierce and discussed his contributions both in and out of school.
Q: Describe your time at Browning in one or two words.
A: Empowering
Q: Tell me a little bit about your work as an EMT. What catalyzed your commitment to helping others?
A: I started out wanting to help at the EMS station for a couple of reasons. First, on the night I was born, were it not for the capable and calm teenagers who arrived from the town’s volunteer EMS service, my story may have turned out very differently. Volunteering with EMS was a way for me to pay it forward. Additionally, when I started working in EMS, our world was in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic and I felt becoming an EMR and volunteering at the station was a way I could feel less helpless; helping others in their most vulnerable moments has been a great honor and privilege.
Q: I’ve heard a little bit about your emergency response algorithm. Can you explain the idea behind it? How has it been an opportunity to combine purpose with talent and dedication?
A: When I first started working at the EMS station, it was exhilarating every time the crew and I hopped in the ambulance in response to a call with the lights and sirens ablaze. After a dozen or so calls, the excitement wore thin as I realized that a large percentage of our calls were not for traumas like heart attacks and car accidents. Instead, many of the calls were in response to acute mental health or substance abuse concerns. We’re not really trained to do much in those situations other than simply transport the patient to the hospital where they may not get the care they need. I started wondering if there was a better solution such as sending a mental health professional with us for these types of calls. At the same time, I had started thinking about what project I might tackle as part of Browning’s Certificate of Distinction in Data Science and I found New York City's EMS call data. The data included 31 variables for 24 million calls over a 17-year period. I thought maybe I could use my coding skills to create an AI model that uses the data to accurately predict what the best response to an incoming 911 call would be. It took about nine months of working on this in my free time and a ton of trial and error, especially given the size of the data set. In the end, it was so rewarding to develop a working model that has the potential to save cities millions of dollars, better allocate resources, and, most importantly, get patients the right help sooner. The project was a great reminder that one can find ways to combine one's interests and make a difference in our world no matter their age, skill level, or experience.
Q: How have Browning teachers supported and challenged you? What about your peers?
A: Overall, Browning teachers have both supported and challenged me by setting expectations high. Specifically, Mr. Zama-Diaz has pushed me to seek deeper meaning, not just in the texts we’ve read, but in the world around me and in myself. I feel that I’m a better human being as a result. My peers at Browning are incredibly supportive. We’re a pretty tight-knit group and I feel I can reach out to anyone in our grade and they’d be there to lend a hand.
Q: What are some of your goals in the final months of your Browning experience?
A: I’m really focused on spending time with my classmates in the second semester; these next few months may be the last time we’re all together so I want to enjoy each other’s company and make some great memories.
Q: Similarly, what advice would you give to yourself as a freshman?
A: There are few things I’d tell my younger self:
- You’re going to surprise yourself by what you can accomplish when you go the extra mile.
- Don’t forget to enjoy your time at Browning—four years go by faster than you can imagine.
- Take a deep breath; it’s all going to end up okay!