Varsity Golf Swings Into the Championship

Varsity golfer Robert G. '26 plays at the NYCAL Championship, May 2022. Despite having no senior or junior members, the team achieved a 9-3 record, the best season in the past decade for Browning golf. (Al Pereira)

Coming off a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the varsity golf team outdid expectations with their best record in the past decade.

With a brand new team and a new coach, the golfers bound together and built a solid foundation.

“We are a young team with a lot of potential,” Sophomore golfer Nicholas S. ‘24 said. “We played some challenging teams and it has made us stronger. We are aiming for big things.”

Without having any seniors or juniors, the team faced an age disadvantage when matched against older and more experienced teams. First-year golf coach Jonathan Stoler worked with the team to enhance technique and strategy. After not having a season in two years, spring training allowed the team to get a head start and make up for lost time. 

“We had a young and talented team,” Coach Stoler said. “We had a record number of tryouts which was encouraging to see the increased interest in golf. The future is bright for Browning Golf.” 

After not having a season in two years, spring training allowed the team to get a head start.
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The golfers ended the regular season hot with a triumphant victory over Staten Island Academy. The team finished the regular season with an overall 9-3 record and 7-2 record within the NYCAL organization.

In the postseason the team fought hard to achieve second place in the NYCAL championship. 

“If the young team can keep it up, the sky is the limit,” Freshman golfer Chase K. ‘25 said.


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